breath.flow.grow. into wellness

Introducing a wellness community and membership for those tired of being ignored and overwhelmed with options or where to go to next. Mindfulness, meditation, movement, health and nutrition to empower you to make better choices and improve your overall wellbeing. Join us as we breathe flow grow into wellness.

Reset & Restore 2021

Reset & Restore 2021 - Four weeks in January to set up 2021 to be the year you achieve your goals while remaining calm. You will learn to manifest your desires, feed your body whole foods, organize for success, and just breathe through it all.

We are teaching online!

Online vs. in-person, downloading and uploading and everyone is in tears. Now, more than ever, your children (and you) need yoga and mindfulness to help process all those big feelings. Since we can't always be in person, breathe.flow.grow is now offering online kids yoga classes! Join us and kids across the country as we breathe, flow, and grow together!

I’m Ready to Get Off This Ride Now

Trying to navigate through the COVID19 pandemic while sheltering in place is like riding a rollercoaster. There are highs and lows, but the passengers are growing weary and I am ready to get off this ride.

Family Fun Sun Salutation with Coloring Page

A simplified and fun sun salutation that every member of the family can enjoy! Follow along with our video then download the coloring and activity sheet to continue the practice!

Kids Yoga Summer Camps for 2019

Summer is fast approaching - don't get caught with kids laying around the house moaning "I'm BORED!"  and instead register them for a kids yoga summer camp! We are excited to offer multiple summer camps within the North Dallas area. Check out our schedule and register now!

Center of Light Body Scan Guided Meditation

Guided meditation script for my adapted "Center of Light" body scan. Can be used for the whole family and I have always had such great success with it!

#justbreathe.. Mindfulness for Teens

With tools as simple as their breath, children, tweens, and teens are able to calm their minds and bodies effectively.

Perfectly Imperfect – A Yoga Series

Six week introductory yoga series for teens in the heart of Frisco, Texas.

Kids Yoga Summer Camps

Kids yoga summer camp in Plano, Texas for the summer of 2017. Several age groups, dates, and times!